Notices and Messages

September 30, 2014   Reaching for Stars

Dear Parents,

It is a pleasure to welcome your child to Div. 15.  For the next few weeks, we will focus on getting to know each other, learning to follow classroom routines and expectations, and learning to work together in thoughtful, respectful, and caring ways.  We will also begin working on building our reading, writing, and math skills, laying down some important foundations for a great year of learning.

As you know, I am also Cambridge’s Vice-Principal.  When Ms. V. is doing her administrative jobs, Ms. McClean will be teaching in our classroom.  When Ms. Vogstad is in our classroom, Ms. M. will be teaching French to the grade 5,6, and 7 students.  What is exciting is that both of us are at school every day, which helps us to communicate and stay connected with the students and each other.

Here is some information about your child’s day and some of the routines that we will be establishing:

Blogs – We invite you to stay connected and informed through our school and class websites:

Div. 15 Class Blog

Ms. Vogstad’s Blog

School Bloghttp://CambridgeLearns

Our goal is to move all our students to set up and communicate their learning through individual student blogs.

Planners – We believe that children will be successful when they feel positive about themselves and their classroom.  Since your child’s education is a partnership between home and school, good communication between home and school is essential.  Please ensure that your child’s planner is returned to school each morning.  Every day your child will print/write an entry in their planner.  After reading it with your child, please initial the box.  The planner is also a place where we will write messages to you, and your messages or questions to us, when needed.  If you haven’t done so yet, please send $5 for your child’s planner.   Thank you.

Morning Reading – All parents, grandparents, and other family members are welcome to join our classroom for the first 20 minutes as we start our day.  This practice allows for a wonderful transition from home to school.  During this morning reading time gather a few students and share a story.  It’s important that our children see different “readers in action”.   As our year progresses and we begin literature circles parents may choose to join a group.  We understand that it is impossible for every parent to participate.  Thank you to those who can make it.

Home Writes – Becoming confident and skilled writers is a goal we have for all students.  We write daily in our classroom and from time to time, usually once a week, your child will be asked to complete a meaningful write at home.  These “impromptu”, unedited writes will provide us with important information to guide our instruction and meet the learning needs of our young writers.

Important Times

Music with Ms. Lourenco  – Tuesdays  10:45 – 11:45

Library with Ms. Turner – Wednesdays 11:00 – 11:40

Gym Days – Mondays 1:30 and Thursdays 8:35

Finally, one last reminder to complete the “Student Information Sheet” we sent home yesterday and return it back to us. 

This year is already shaping up to be an exciting and productive school year.  We thank you for your interest and commitment in helping us provide a learning environment that will enable your child to become a confident, capable, and caring learner.

Please feel free to drop in anytime if you have any questions or comments, or simply want to enjoy some time in your child’s classroom.


Kelli Vogstad and Carol McClean

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